
Matthew Mancuso

Clean Up GCP Cloud Run and Cloud Artifact

This site runs on GCP’s Cloud Run. When I want to add a post or make a change I use an automated script to build the new container and push it live. This leaves behind an old copy of the container—or revision in GCP’s parlance—which just sits there until you delete it. This script will delete all but the latest Cloud Run revision. Just a warning this will delete all inactive revisions in the current project.


Kiyomizu-dera Sanjunoto, Kyoto, Japan

Looking through a gap in the trees at Kiyomizu-dera Sanjunoto

Looking through a gap in the trees at Kiyomizu-dera Sanjunoto.

I took this picture while walking through Kiyomizu-dera in late autumn. There is surprisingly little editing, mostly to bring out the sky. The colors in Kyoto that time of year are rich and gorgeous.

Not pictured is the throng of tourists—and what must be some locals—all trying to get the same picture.


Detecting Integer Overflows — A Hardware Approach

There are few bugs in programming as pernicious as the integer overflow. It can be difficult to detect your program has an integer overflow issue, many times it will silently corrupt your memory and possibly open you up to a buffer overflow. If you get lucky, your program will terminate shortly after it overflows with a segmentation fault. So how can we tell when an integer overflow has occurred? It turns out the hardware can help. Read more...